Saturday, May 31, 2008

Plant A Wish Tree Stolen/Removed From Baldwin Park! (Comments Welcome.)

Crazy news from Plant A Wish:
After participating in Community Work Day at Kanaha Beach Park this morning, we stopped by Baldwin Park to check on the "community wish tree" we planted there last weekend...and it was GONE!

It looks like someone dug up the keiki coconut palm tree, removed it, and put the dirt back neatly in place. The only sign of our planting event is some of the organic potting soil still visible at the surface of the ground.

We went through all necessary avenues to obtain permission from the County, we met with the County Arborist and told him what we were planning to do, and planted the tree exactly where the County wanted us to plant it. I suppose we knew deep down that it might not be safe there (along the driveway into the park, just inside the yellow gate), but we trusted and had only the purest of intentions.

We are going to contact the County when they're back in the office on Monday and see what the next steps are. Maybe they moved it, maybe it was stolen, maybe there was a miscommunication somewhere. At any rate, this is a major bummer for us and the people who submitted their wishes for the planting.

We plan to drive back down there with a shovel and to dig up the wishes, so that they can still be planted with a tree. Only this time, we're going to plant them someplace SAFER.


Unknown said...

wow - what a drag!! we're so sorry. people are lame! but i hope the little keiki survives the kidnapping and is planted elsewhere and grows to be a big strong tree despite tumultous beginnings!!

Gabe said...

any great movement in history is fraught with resistance. the bolder and more audacious your plan the greater the interference. you are jedis-- clearly someone is afraid of trees.

Mike said...

My advice: plant another tree in the same exact spot.

It sucks that people behave this way, but the reason you put that tree there hasn't been stripped away.

I'd put another one there as if the first had never been taken.

Unknown said...

If a tree was stolen from the woods and no one was there to see it, was it really stolen? Maybe it was one walking tree.

Hopefully the little tree is safe and being loved. You could write and Eh Brah.